Learn it by hand!
A few days back I had been to my hideout…the Marina Beach. The place, where waves of impact hit us hard- where poor and rich converge, where talent meets innovation,the place where everything comes in “pair”(no puns intended)-a place bubbling with human emotions of all kind…some mourners, some teenyboppers, some fun-lovers,some lovers,and others who make the seashore they livelihood!It’s the later who interest me most.The kite-sellers who ran around flying kites and singing song(aka rajni style “koku para…”).The sundal guys who sell “kadalai”(boons when you cant make a conversation)…to those running outta it!The palmist who reads your mind more than your palm…and best knows how to make your day!You should really try it out on a very bad day….you’ll land up hearing stuff worth more than 20rs…like you are smart,diligent,and there’s power within(they make it sound like you are neo right outta matrix and it is morpheus enlightening u ).Going by the law of probability the palmist(a she essentially ) would to every 1 in 2 gals say, they are in love and would decide soon about taking their relationship to success…I wished always it were that simple!If u bought sundal and bhel combo then you are one spend thrift …nope not really madam they were got from coupons from our college quiz(I wish they did atleast that). If u just spoke your mind about palm-readers to her…you are one talkative girl.(man! She ust be an oracle how did she gez that?!) My friend impressed by the relevance of the readings to her life…(if only I knew she would get this impressed I would have become her personal palmist long time back and made more relevant predictions…”this week you’ll be spending much” …with your treats due…and all)…decided to go in for the ADVANCED package…extra readings(like smelling ur perfume and saying “u like lavender”) for extra money! She asks u to choose a color or flower or number you like best and then she can tell u what your husbands name starts with!!!(Trust me by all probability it’s the same she would say irrespective of the choice you make….sorry she goes by your appearance).I sincerely wonder how marital portals never found her…she’s big buck man!Like any sales expert trying to tempt the customer with sample benefits she would merely look at the most silent person in a group and say…”I have got news for you…(but we got paper this morning ma’am)…my mind says I have to look at your palm(hehe…your clothing says it all,I’ll predict it all just the way you would believe)”.And here finally for the benefit of visitors to my blog who are to be treated with a free reading of their palms, with the clairvoyance and insights into the conversation of the beach-palmists….first categorize your hand…there are 3 types of hands:
1).The low waist jeans clad :
*you have been breaking quite a few hearts(I just saw that guy who almost got carried into the sea watching you )
*there is a guy waiting in your life(infact at this point there quite a few all around)
*though sweet you are(u are paying me a 20),you tend to spent a lot(quite that low-waist …!)
*don’t listen and buy easily what people say(are u listening?)
2). The salwar saree combo:
*you are sweet(ditto reasons from above),docile(u listening?)
*you would be one “SRIDEVI” at your in-laws place(hey!think seen sridevi wear that before)
*you would marry the guy your parents choose(reads the sad look on face)…whom you would love(now I’ll be getting my 20)
3).The confused hand(especially when you are wearing a jeans and kurta)
you are sweet(“),creative(I’m confused by your dressing)
you are extremely confused by your love life(like how I’m by your dressing sense)
you’ll soon decide how the guy of your life(I cant guess what!)and your parents will agree(to avoid the confusion…actually you are a confusing gal)
Hmm...yeah as for ADVANCED reading check out at Marina.
1).The low waist jeans clad :
*you have been breaking quite a few hearts(I just saw that guy who almost got carried into the sea watching you )
*there is a guy waiting in your life(infact at this point there quite a few all around)
*though sweet you are(u are paying me a 20),you tend to spent a lot(quite that low-waist …!)
*don’t listen and buy easily what people say(are u listening?)
2). The salwar saree combo:
*you are sweet(ditto reasons from above),docile(u listening?)
*you would be one “SRIDEVI” at your in-laws place(hey!think seen sridevi wear that before)
*you would marry the guy your parents choose(reads the sad look on face)…whom you would love(now I’ll be getting my 20)
3).The confused hand(especially when you are wearing a jeans and kurta)
you are sweet(“),creative(I’m confused by your dressing)
you are extremely confused by your love life(like how I’m by your dressing sense)
you’ll soon decide how the guy of your life(I cant guess what!)and your parents will agree(to avoid the confusion…actually you are a confusing gal)
Hmm...yeah as for ADVANCED reading check out at Marina.
its very true that most palmists predict based on appearance.
i guess any sensible person would be able to figure out that the predictions are baseless.But then its good fun to try it once in a while when you are with your friends.:)
hey ..i know part of this is true...but my friend ( umight know adi ramani of EEE ) almost freaked out once at elliot's...the guy asked him to think of anything he wanted..,being a rock fan adhi thought of 'guns & roses' ...and guess what he said 'Thupakki roja???'!!!
:)i cant believe that!
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