One Night...
Standing confidently at the podium
My own insanity I couldn't fathom
Looked at the bright stars lighting up the night sky
From the beauty and the peace my eyes I couldn't untie
My gaze fell on the empty gallery
Lit by the streetlights hardly
I felt like a thousand people sat there
Heard the cheering and applause from nowhere
I had just played my first song on the guitar
To the trees,the lake and night sky-bizzare
But I felt a strange life in front of me
And a secret connection with the thing-destiny
The cold winds,the bright stars,the smell of the lake
Stirred the sleeping soul within me wide awake
As I walked back on the lonely pathway
There was a smile and strange peace I dare downplay
My own insanity I couldn't fathom
Looked at the bright stars lighting up the night sky
From the beauty and the peace my eyes I couldn't untie
My gaze fell on the empty gallery
Lit by the streetlights hardly
I felt like a thousand people sat there
Heard the cheering and applause from nowhere
I had just played my first song on the guitar
To the trees,the lake and night sky-bizzare
But I felt a strange life in front of me
And a secret connection with the thing-destiny
The cold winds,the bright stars,the smell of the lake
Stirred the sleeping soul within me wide awake
As I walked back on the lonely pathway
There was a smile and strange peace I dare downplay
sometimes we must do things,
just for the simple joy it brings,
caring not if the world sees,
but for our own soul's peace
Hmm Nice....indeeed true:)
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