The day earth stood still…
So this one Thursday morning I log onto Facebook and find that I see most of my friend’s profile pics containing abusive content. Initially I think it’s a Facebook bug, later I realize no one else is noticing that absurdity,its just me.After a long de-bugging process with my friends,sending across screen shots of what I see etc,I realize there is something really wrong on FB or with my account.It sure can not be a hacking of my account(I don't see anything suspicious on my account) also how can someone really change the content I view on others profile by compromising my account,so I conclude it’s a serious issue I need to report.I search on the web for any reported issues,I don’t find any of that sort,I then decide to seek FB Help,but it simply does not give me an option to report any issue what-so-ever.After huge rigmarole of running from list of topics,questions,answers,I feel very frustrated and more than that scared about my security on Facebook.As someone who is on Facebook for about 3-4hrs a day(I know!) I am still not sure if this is right direction to go,but I at once seize it as my golden opportunity to press "that" button.If I ever had to quit Facebook its now!Its almost like Facebook itself is pointing me to the door.I de-activate my account,inform my close friends and move on.But in the minute I was driving myself toward that decision,its almost like apocalypse to me,as that has what this addiction has come to be.For that small earth stood still:-(
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