In the guile of a Software Engineer!!!!
P.S:All comments below should be taken with a pinch of salt and are subjected to slight exaggeration!!!
Well it seems like it was 300 A.D when I last blogged!Its been 3 months since I joined MSIT here, in my own very college where I did my UG and it is a completely eye opening venture. The first few days at PG Hostel (aka Puchi hostel) was completely entertaining. We spent most of the days trying to wash clothes, share goodies brought from home and test the mess food on the dogs. Most of the nights one of my neighbors recreated star wars and we often witnessed a brave pretty gal battle a zillion lizards, cockroaches and other weird insect like things. With a broom in one hand and a hit bottle in another, she would run from corner to corner often powered by a squeal from another timid being as me. Now, months later having shared living space with a zillion species, some that National Geographic would want to feature in their next episode of “Species that migrated from Africa to….”Some inalienable truths I learnt in my short stay
- The sweetest one never gets the sweets
Never let the UG juniors break the line (who ever told you, being kind is good manners, never had the mess in mind).You would have to wait until next week to eat.
- Decision making is not difficult when in a small group
Member 1: So who is the next configurations manager?
Me: Well not me!
Member 1:not me either!
Me: “O God tell me who is the configurations manager of this very fine phase? A E I OU and that it you!”
Member 1:YOU!
- Vastushaastra : Never sit next to the brightest one in class
The aftermath of not heeding to the above rule is getting pushed into unwanted projects with the brightest one!!!! Its jus the effect of the location!!!
- Resource Utilization: Darkness might befall, but there is light at the end of the tunnel!
When there is a power cut in the mess, don’t worry about the fly that would garnish your curry as much as the extra ice-creams you can gobble down before the lights turn on and you find all the ice cups in the mess gone!
- Wherever there is food, there are students waiting to get to it!
Be it when a very nice professor invited us to his wedding or when we were asked to attend a seminar or when we decided to visit our director at his house to discuss some important organizational issues, the burning question is “Is there food?”
- The best tools for documentation ----Google, CTRL C+ CTRL V
- If you closed one door, god opens the other.
Just when you struggled to evacuate the half million ant population that invaded your flask and chocolate powder,you find another army making its way to the fruits.
· Snakes love me!!!
Working on this Nobel research as to find why !!!After fruitless attempts to escape their sight, I catch them very often, at least in my nightmares!!!