Robot makes me write...
Well…I must first warn you.Though I am a fan of Rajini,I aint that fan that prepared endlessly to celebrate the Endhiran First Day release,neither was I the kind that paid three times the money to watch Endhiran first day first show in a crappy theatre as I did to watch Avatar 3D in Imax.I didn’t whistle my lungs out through the movie so much so that I lost my voice for the next three days.I aint the kind either who would rush after the show to call back folks in India asking them to book tickets for the next available show.But none the less I must confess I am a Rajini fan in the sense I love to watch people do the above.Infact I watched the first day second show just to see what the hue and cry was about.I thouroughly enjoyed the experience.Watching this movie was more like buying a ticket to Six Flags and taking one ride after another,although in my case unlike the above Rajini true bloods it was a largely vicarious pleasure.Coming to the point,do not send people to knock me down if you do not like what I write,just ignore,delete DOT.
Heres what worked for me
1. Technology-Being close to 160 crore budget movie,obvious the technology had been put to good use but I also loved the way they had presented the entire Humanoid concept to a audience that might not understand every nut and bolt without making a technologist feel---Oh Cmon!It was truly refreshing to watch thalaivar deliver technical jargons sophisticatedly.What really impressed me as a Computer Science student was the paradox question put worth to the robot in the conference.Well Done!
2. Message-I know most of you are falling off your chairs reading this but yes after all that endless violence that made up the last part of the movie I felt was a message.The comparison of ill will,jealousy,anger to the red chip inserted in the robot kind of added to the point.Though I liked the message I had a problem how it was presented,discussed later.
3. Not a Shankar Ending-I love Shankar movies cause they try to beat the harsh reality,often make us ask questions…Indian,Gentleman, etc.They also try to solve everyday hardships with revolutionary and sometimes violent solutions.All the same after all that wonderful thinking having a fairy tale ending really kills it,I mean sometimes you just feel bad in a sense that Indian grandpa doesn’t exist or that we don’t have politicians like in Mudalvan or even youth who will get into politics with that strategy.Its more like watching a fairy tale movie with the dream ending and you just wish…..In the case of Endhiran though I liked the way he didn’t really end it his usual style like say Dr.Vasi deciding to secretly let Chitti roam around doing good stuff for people or say the army secretly deciding to buy Chitti and putting to use at the border.It had a ending that really left us thinking without wishing or being told whats the future of robots.I thought the ending got my biggest vote simply because it wasn’t a Rajini movie ending neither a Shankar movie ending,it ended the way sci-fi ends to end with-leaving the audience thinking “If”.
4. Graphics-I really do not have to say this…loved the army formations in the end,beautiful graphics…neat.
5. Rajinism-If one Rajini eshyle meant 200 decibels and a earth quake on magnitude 7.5 in the theatre,100 of Rajini twisting and turning in eshylish formations meant EXPLOSION.I had the vibrations and that feeling of vicarious euphoria resonate in my head and heart for hours after the movie got over.
What didn’t work for me
1. The extended climax-Despite the visual treat for the eyes with soo many Rajinis is various creative formations,at some point in time I was getting a headache with the endless violence.I began for my thrill ride to end.I liked most of the other rides in the movie but this one was just too long.
2. Violence-Yes,its official-I am sensitive.Could not stand watching people(largely policemen and army men) getting shot at like spraying Bagon on this infiltrating ant population at home.No,it did not work for me.I have never seen mob get killed with as much ease as in this one.What kind of annoyed me more was the reaction of the audience to this.
3. Improper ewaste disposal:-Lol!You knew that was coming but could not help question a CMU cum Stanford student just hammered his robot and threw in the landfill?!Disappointed!
4.Retrieving the red chip-Ah!Wished there had been a better way to stop V2.0 from tearing the city apart than just demagnetizing him and later miraculously pulling him alone into the van and carefully removing the red chip.Easy and disappointing.For all the CG stuff would have expected a more creative and entertaining closure to 2.0.But I realize at that point in time in the theater I just wanted the whole thing to end and didn't care in the least how.
OK you must have got the point,I really could not find anything that didn’t really work me.Now lets go the ritual.It was one movie I watched and felt proud of the way the director had dealt with the story and used his budget.It’s NOT yet another indian movie that people can make fun about,its just another sci-fi movie with a truly Tamil touch-aka Rajini touchJ.Even as I realise someday scientists will figure the neural schema in question and it will not really be a sci-fi but a reality there is one thing that might never get figured out and will always be that exciting phenomenon I am standing in line for hours in a rain to experience,its simply that ride I want to take despite the fear of losing my ear drum to the shrill of the crowds-it’s the magic of Rajini and the spell he casts on his fan folks DOT.
Heres what worked for me
1. Technology-Being close to 160 crore budget movie,obvious the technology had been put to good use but I also loved the way they had presented the entire Humanoid concept to a audience that might not understand every nut and bolt without making a technologist feel---Oh Cmon!It was truly refreshing to watch thalaivar deliver technical jargons sophisticatedly.What really impressed me as a Computer Science student was the paradox question put worth to the robot in the conference.Well Done!
2. Message-I know most of you are falling off your chairs reading this but yes after all that endless violence that made up the last part of the movie I felt was a message.The comparison of ill will,jealousy,anger to the red chip inserted in the robot kind of added to the point.Though I liked the message I had a problem how it was presented,discussed later.
3. Not a Shankar Ending-I love Shankar movies cause they try to beat the harsh reality,often make us ask questions…Indian,Gentleman, etc.They also try to solve everyday hardships with revolutionary and sometimes violent solutions.All the same after all that wonderful thinking having a fairy tale ending really kills it,I mean sometimes you just feel bad in a sense that Indian grandpa doesn’t exist or that we don’t have politicians like in Mudalvan or even youth who will get into politics with that strategy.Its more like watching a fairy tale movie with the dream ending and you just wish…..In the case of Endhiran though I liked the way he didn’t really end it his usual style like say Dr.Vasi deciding to secretly let Chitti roam around doing good stuff for people or say the army secretly deciding to buy Chitti and putting to use at the border.It had a ending that really left us thinking without wishing or being told whats the future of robots.I thought the ending got my biggest vote simply because it wasn’t a Rajini movie ending neither a Shankar movie ending,it ended the way sci-fi ends to end with-leaving the audience thinking “If”.
4. Graphics-I really do not have to say this…loved the army formations in the end,beautiful graphics…neat.
5. Rajinism-If one Rajini eshyle meant 200 decibels and a earth quake on magnitude 7.5 in the theatre,100 of Rajini twisting and turning in eshylish formations meant EXPLOSION.I had the vibrations and that feeling of vicarious euphoria resonate in my head and heart for hours after the movie got over.
What didn’t work for me
1. The extended climax-Despite the visual treat for the eyes with soo many Rajinis is various creative formations,at some point in time I was getting a headache with the endless violence.I began for my thrill ride to end.I liked most of the other rides in the movie but this one was just too long.
2. Violence-Yes,its official-I am sensitive.Could not stand watching people(largely policemen and army men) getting shot at like spraying Bagon on this infiltrating ant population at home.No,it did not work for me.I have never seen mob get killed with as much ease as in this one.What kind of annoyed me more was the reaction of the audience to this.
3. Improper ewaste disposal:-Lol!You knew that was coming but could not help question a CMU cum Stanford student just hammered his robot and threw in the landfill?!Disappointed!
4.Retrieving the red chip-Ah!Wished there had been a better way to stop V2.0 from tearing the city apart than just demagnetizing him and later miraculously pulling him alone into the van and carefully removing the red chip.Easy and disappointing.For all the CG stuff would have expected a more creative and entertaining closure to 2.0.But I realize at that point in time in the theater I just wanted the whole thing to end and didn't care in the least how.
OK you must have got the point,I really could not find anything that didn’t really work me.Now lets go the ritual.It was one movie I watched and felt proud of the way the director had dealt with the story and used his budget.It’s NOT yet another indian movie that people can make fun about,its just another sci-fi movie with a truly Tamil touch-aka Rajini touchJ.Even as I realise someday scientists will figure the neural schema in question and it will not really be a sci-fi but a reality there is one thing that might never get figured out and will always be that exciting phenomenon I am standing in line for hours in a rain to experience,its simply that ride I want to take despite the fear of losing my ear drum to the shrill of the crowds-it’s the magic of Rajini and the spell he casts on his fan folks DOT.